- AFA Certified Farrier
- World Championship Blacksmith Competitions
- Colorado Classic 2020-2nd Place
- Fort Worth 2020-6th Place
- Vet Clinic Experience-4years

Meet Ryan McDougall
Owner/Operation Carolinia Forge LLC
Hi there, my name is Ryan McDougall Certified farrier. I’m 25 years of age and was born and raised in Duluth MN. I spent my youth playing hockey and various other sports. I never thought I that I would get involved with horses. The year was 2017 when I first went to North Dakota to help my friend Trey, and his Dad Tyrone with trimming horses it sounded so bizarre I had to try it. I never thought it would bring me to where I am today.
The education that I received throughout my career is remarkable seeing how I never attended a horseshoeing school. Tyrone Irons was my main mentor and taught me all there is to know about practical horseshoeing. Teaching me how to trim, apply shoes, and basic horsemanship skills. Dr. Ericka Schumacher is a vet that I worked with throughout the 5 years I was in ND. From basic anatomy to being able to understand what I’m looking for when viewing an Xray. We got to work on every case imaginable and helped me better understand some of the procedures and applications required to better a horse’s soundness.
Roy Bloom is one of the most acclaimed farriers in the world and owns a tool making business that supplies many farriers around the globe with the tools they need. It is a great honor to have learned most of my blacksmithing skills from this man. It helps me with my everyday shoeing and to build any horseshoe required for the job. Each of these people have a direct impact on the way I carry out my horseshoeing and business.
Tyrone always taught me to be a horseman above all else, that we do this job to help the horse in all aspects of their lives both body and mind. I was taught simple and effective methods to amplify my jobs effectiveness with no need to get frustrated or aggressive. We all know that horses are much like people and have good and bad days. With my basic horsemanship techniques, we will be able to minimize dangers and create a safe and fun working environment.
I just have moved to Clemson SC from Duluth MN with my other half Allie, who is from the Greenville area originally. My daily life includes a trip to the gym and either working underneath horses or forging horseshoes for my next horseshoeing competition. I enjoy hiking, watching football, and the occasional rest day which is filled with movies and lounging. Thankyou for visiting my website and learning a little bit about me I look forward to meeting you and your ponies.
Sincerely, Ryan McDougall